Cleansing soul chaplet


     The Catholic Divine Project.

(Prayer Partnership for the Church and the World).

Cleansing soul chaplet.

Prayed two times daily - in the morning immediately after Divine Mercy Chaplet(3am) and in the Afternoon  Immediately after Divine Mercy Chaplet (3pm) also prayed severally during the month of November. 

(All kneeling down throughout the prayer but In the month of November,  with the head bowed down to the ground while kneeling as in the Chaplet of Holy Trinity)

Step1:- opening prayer (After the sign of the Cross)

Leader: O God poor sinners like us before your presence;

All: Have mercy on us (3 times)

Step2:- On the Glory be bead:

Leader: For the Cleansing of the souls who have faithfully died in your name continue to look with pity on us and on them;

All: And shower your infinite mercy on us all. 

Step3:- On the hail Mary bead: 

(With heads bow down)

Leader: Oh our God;

All: Shower us with your ocean of mercy(10times). 

Continue and complete the five decades as in the Holy Rosary.

Step4:- concluding prayer.

All: Oh our God have mercy on us and be good to us let the rain and shower of your caring love continue to endow us with the truth and zeal to serve you until life of the world to come amen.

Leader: Come Lord Jesus;

All: The Way, the Truth and the Life.

Leader: In the Name of the Father;

All: And of the Son and of the Holy Sprit. Amen. 

Note: Every CDP Prayer ends with "Come Lord Jesus..." before the sign of the Cross.


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