Holy Spirit Chaplet



(Prayed twice daily, in the morning at 5am immediately Holy Trinity Chaplet and in the evening 5pm immediately after Holy Trinity Chaplet.

opening prayer: (After the sign of the Cross)

STEP 1: (while standing or kneeling - posture must be uniform).

Leader: Holy Spirit, defender and mentor of the Catholic Divine Project,  teach us  and enable us in doing the Holy Trinity's  Will. 

All: Amen. 

STEP 2: 

Leader: Come Holy Spirit and fill the heart of the faithful; 

All: And enkindle in them the fire of your love (say step 2 seven times).

STEP 3: On every glory be bead.

Leader: Holy Spirit; 

All:  Inflame us with the fire of your love.

Leader: Holy Spirit;  

All: Purify us with your candle of zealousness. 

Leader: Holy Spirit;  

All: Teach us the way the Trinity wants us to be.

STEP 4: On every Hail Mary bead (10 times)

(On the first decade) Leader: Spirit of truth and wisdom; Response - All: Be with us always. (10times- both leader and all).

(On the second decade)Leader:  Spirit of knowledge and understanding; Response - All: be with us always.

(10times- both leader and all).

(On the third decade) Leader: Spirit of Counsel and Fortitude; Response - All: be with us always. 

(10 times - both leader and all)

(On the fourth decade) Leader: Spirit of Piety; Response- All: be with us always. (10times - both leader and all)

(On the fifth decade) Leader:  Spirit of the fear of the Lord; Response- All: be with us always. (10times - both leader and all).

STEP 5:   After the conclusion of the decades the following hymn is sung "come Holy Spirit..." (CHB 207) to be sung by all. Then the concluding prayer.

STEP 6: CONCLUDING PRAYER (All kneeling down now):

All: Oh Holy Spirit teacher, and comforter of the world,  May through the praying of this sacred chaplet enable us see and receive your gift which goes round the globe to attain perpetual paradise through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Leader: Come Lord Jesus;

All: The Way, the Truth and the Life.

Leader: In the Name of the Father;

All: And of the Son and of the Holy Sprit. Amen. 

Note: Every CDP Prayer ends with "Come Lord Jesus..." before the sign of the Cross.


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