Litany of Angels


Litany of Angels

Prayed twice daily in the morning at 4am immediately after Angels Chaplet and in the Afternoon at 4am immediately after Angels Chaplet. 

(All standing)

Leader: Lord have mercy

All:Lord have mercy

Leader: Christ have mercy

All: Christ have mercy

Leader: Lord have mercy

All: Lord have mercy

Leader: O holy angels and archangels.   All: pray for us

O holy angels of light                        "

O holy angels of forbearance.            "

O holy princes of project.                  "

O holy princes of heaven

O holy guardian angels

O holy patrons of the world

O holy messengers of God

O holy warriors of God

O holy choirs of heaven

O holy grateful immortals

O holy mentors of mortals

O holy guardian of mortals

O holy guide of mortals

O holy guardian of the church

O holy patriarchs of heaven

O most gracious being of the most high

O holy defender of the church

O holy immortals of heaven

Heaven's perfect being.

Leader: Lamb of God ,who takes away the sins of the world. All: (spare us o lord)

Leader: Lamb of God ,who takes away the sins of the world. All: ( graciously hear us)

Leader: Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world. All: (have mercy on your sinful mortals).

Concluding prayer (All kneeling)

Leader: O God who in his infinite mercy created this princes to guard,serve and be with you always, and through the immense mercy of son, appointed your Princes to guide us, may by the prayer of this chaplet keep us through getting your grace. All:( Amen.

This is followed, on daily basis by a visit to the Saint of the day or observing the liturgical memorial of the day with recitation of the appropriate litany and songs with reflection and other Prayers which should be done before Chaplet of Holy Trinity by 5pm.

See Litany links below:

Leader: Come Lord Jesus;

All: The Way, the Truth and the Life.

Leader: In the Name of the Father,

All: And of the Son and of the Holy Sprit. Amen. 

Note: Every CDP Prayer ends with "Come Lord Jesus..." before the sign of the Cross.


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