
Showing posts from April, 2021

Bible Rosary Video


The Lord's Chaplet.


The Angelus

  The Angelus Prayed twice - compulsory at 12midnight and 12midday daily can also be prayed at 6am and 6pm, additionally if time warrants. Leader: The Angel of the Lord declared to Mary:  All: And she conceived of the Holy Spirit. Leader: Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. All: Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen. Leader: Behold the handmaid of the Lord: All: Be it done unto me according to Thy word. Leader: Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. All: Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen. Leader: And the Word was made Flesh: (All Genuflect with the right hand on the chest) All: And dwelt among us. Leader: Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb,

Litany of the BVM

 Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Prayed twice daily during morning prayers and midday prayers best after the Rosary.  Leader: Lord, have mercy on us. All: Lord, have mercy on us. Leader: Christ, have mercy on us. All: Christ, have mercy on us. Leader: Christ, hear us. All: Christ, graciously hear us. Leader: God, the Father of Heaven,  All: have mercy on us. Leader: God the Son, Redeemer of the world,  All: have mercy on us. Leader: God the Holy Spirit,  All: have mercy on us. Leader: Holy Trinity, One God, All:  have mercy on us. Leader: Holy Mary,   All:  pray for us. Holy Mother of God,       pray for us. Holy Virgin of Virgins,     pray for us. Mother of Christ,            pray for us. Mother of the Church,     pray for us. Mother of Mercy,              pray for us. Mother of Divine Grace,     pray for us. Mother of Hope,                 pray for us. Mother Most Pure,             pray for us. Mother Most Chaste,                     pray for us. Mother Inviolate, pray for us. Mot

Eucharistic Chaplet

  Eucharistic Chaplet. This is a purely personal prayer which must be prayed before mass by every communicants time 5:30am, or for individual during mass at the time of Presentation of gifts. Prayed while kneeling.  Step 1: Opening Prayer  All: While before you I come Lord Jesus, I prepare myself whole heartedly to receive you (Take me as I am) thrice.  Step 2: On the Glory be bead Holy Trinity, Father Son  and Holy Sprit, All: Take my heart and make it yours. Step 3: On the Hail Mary Bead  Leader: Oh Awesome Jesus, All: Command me to do your will. 9times. After concluding 5 decades of it just as in the Holy Rosary then pray as below the concluding prayer. Concluding Prayer  All: Oh Sacrament most Holy, Oh Sacrament Divine all Praises and honor goes to the Trinity and to the father in his wonderful creation do not let this be a condemnation for us all but a bait to enter your Kingdom. Amen. Leader: Come Lord Jesus; All: The Way, the Truth and the Life. Leader: In the Name of the Father

Bible Rosary

                         The Catholic Divine Project.    (Prayer Partnership for the Church and the World)          Christ Rosary and Bible Academy.(CRBA). Note:1. In this Academy, every given Bible Passage shall be read, reflected, recited, and memorized daily as contained in the day's calendar of the Academy.  2. The Mysteries of the Rosary shall also be reflected and recited both on the decades prayers and the words that make up the prayers before going through the assigned Bible Passages. Each of this shall be done four times daily. 3. Specified Academy time: Rosary prayer and Bible reading shall be done first, in the morning between 5:30am and 7:30am, second, in the afternoon between 11:30am and 1:30pm. Third, in the evening between 5:30pm and 7:30pm.fourth in the Night between 8:30pm and 10:30pm.                                               Academy Rosary Tutorial. The Academy Rosary contains Red and blue beads in each of the five decades. Already inducted CDP member can pra

Chaplet of Perpetual Help

  CHAPLET OF OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP How to pray the Chaplet of Our Lady of Perpetual Help The Chaplet of Our Lady of Perpetual Help is prayed on the regular Rosary of Mary. Each decade has one prayer for the larger bead and another prayer that is said 9 times for the smaller beads. It goes as follows: All standing throughout the prayer  After the sign of the Cross: Step 1: All: Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy,  our life, our Sweetness and our Hope. To you do we cry, poor banished children of Eve.  To you do we send up our sighs,  mourning and weeping in this vale of tears  Turn then, Most Gracious Advocate, your eyes of mercy toward us, and after this our exile show unto us the Blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O Clement, O Loving,  O Sweet Virgin Mary. Amen. Step 2: On the Glory- Be beads: Leader: "Mary has helped us, Mary wants to help us, All: Mary can help us, and  Mary will help us." Step 3: On the Hail Mary beads: Leader: Our Lady of Perpetual Help. Response All:

Chaplet of Holy Trinity

 Chaplet of The Holy Trinity, inaugurated, May 27, 2018 attract the Grace of doing the will of God for those who will pray it as directed below and in addition to the qualities mentioned  will begin to develop in the lives of those who volunteer to pray the Chaplet devotedly even if they lack some of the qualities mentioned below:  Chaplet of the Holy Trinity also known as Chaplet of Love of God. Given to the Catholic Divine Project, June 2017 where Christ asked us to pray for the world. To be prayed on White beads for other people while CDP members can pray it on blue bead. To be prayed by people who have the following qualities. Selflessness. fearlessness. separated from the world - fasting and abstinence . love. happiness.  Please pray at 5am on the dot and 5pm on the dot. Can also be prayed at any time and as many time as possible, day or night as long as you possess the qualities named above. CHAPLET OF Holy Trinity. Prayer guide. Step 1:  Kneeling, with head between the knees and


PROJECT SOLUTION CHAPLET. Prayed twice daily at midnight after Angelus or Regina caeli and at midday after Angelus/ Regina caeli or after perpetual help chaplet.  All Standing from here: After the sign of the Cross pray as follows:  Leader: Preserve me o God  while in difficult moment answer me Wash away my sins so that I  Can be with you.  Clean my heart And make it a dwelling place For your spirit to live in Comfort me when I seek refuge from you ( Through the Holy Spirit)  All: Amen.  Then Pray on the beads as follows: On every Glory be Bead, say  Leader: Lord Project have come to do your will; teach us, enable us, command us to do your will; All: Make us do your will, guide us in doing your will and strengthen us till the end. And on every Hail Mary Bead pray  Leader: " For the sake of your Divine Project,  All: Have mercy on us and on the Church". After concluding 5 decades of all the above just as in the Holy Rosary then pray as below the concluding prayer. All kneeling

Chaplet of Divine Mercy

  THE 3'OCLOCK PRAYER - THE DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET. Prayed twice daily 3am on the dot and 3pm on the dot  How to Recite the Chaplet The Chaplet of Mercy is recited using ordinary rosary beads of five decades. The Chaplet is preceded by two opening prayers from the Diary of Saint Faustina and followed by a closing prayer. 1. Make the Sign of the Cross (All Standing). Leader: In the name of the Father,  All: And of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. 2. Opening Prayers Leader: You died, Jesus, but the source of life gushed forth for souls, All: And the ocean of mercy opened up for the whole world. Leader:  O Fount of Life, unfathomable Divine Mercy,  All: Envelop the whole world and empty Yourself out upon us. 3. On the first 3 hail Mary beads:  Leader: O Blood and Water, which gushed forth from the Sacred Heart of Jesus as a fountain of Mercy for us, All: We trust in you. (Repeat three times) 4. The Eternal Father Leader: Eternal Father,  All:We offer you the Body and Blood, Soul a

Litany of Angels

  Litany of Angels Prayed twice daily in the morning at 4am immediately after Angels Chaplet and in the Afternoon at 4am immediately after Angels Chaplet.  (All standing) Leader: Lord have mercy All:Lord have mercy Leader: Christ have mercy All: Christ have mercy Leader: Lord have mercy All: Lord have mercy Leader: O holy angels and archangels.   All: pray for us O holy angels of light                        " O holy angels of forbearance.            " O holy princes of project.                  " O holy princes of heaven O holy guardian angels O holy patrons of the world O holy messengers of God O holy warriors of God O holy choirs of heaven O holy grateful immortals O holy mentors of mortals O holy guardian of mortals O holy guide of mortals O holy guardian of the church O holy patriarchs of heaven O most gracious being of the most high O holy defender of the church O holy immortals of heaven Heaven's perfect being. Leader: Lamb of God ,who takes away the sins of t

Angels Chaplet

  The Catholic Divine Project. (Prayer partnership for the church and the world). Angel's chaplet. Prayed twice daily in the morning at 4am after the Lords Chaplet and to be followed by litany of Angels and in the afternoon at 4pm after the Lord's chaplet also to be followed by litany of Angels.  (All Standing throughout the prayer) Opening prayer: (After the sign of the Cross) Leader: O holy father, creator and controller of the universe, guide us and send your holy angels to be with us always. All: Amen. STEP 2: On Our Father bead. Leader: All you mentors and armies of heaven; All: continue to be with us alway. STEP 3: On the first "Three Hail Mary" All: Guide us Protect us And be with us always. Leader: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven All: Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And allow us not into temptation,

Watch Guard Chaplet

 Watch Guard Chaplet. Prayed 4times daily 6am during morning Prayers,  12noon during midday prayers, 3pm after the Cleansing soul chaplet and 6pm during evening prayers. From: Prince Robald, concerning the up keep of all the gift and benefits received. STEP: 1. OPENING PRAYER ( All standing throughout the prayer). Leader: If God is for us,  All: Who can be against us  Leader: ("Every Authority has been given to us in Christ Jesus, All: who has Conquered the world") STEP 2: On Hail Mary bead. Leader: It is finished what Christ accomplished on the cross, All: Through the project land flows to the end of the world (10 times). After concluding 5 decades of all the above just as in the Holy Rosary then pray as below the concluding prayer. Silent Medications(maintain 60seconds silence). STEP 3: CONCLUDING PRAYER. All: Psalm 23 King James Version 23 Yahweh is our shepherd; we shall not want. 2 He maketh us to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth us beside the still waters. 3 He re

Sacred Heart Chaplet

 SACRED HEART CHAPLET Prayed twice daily in the morning at 9am and in the evening at 9pm. (Standing or kneeling- posture must be uniform) Step 1: (After the sign of the Cross) Leader: oh Jesus, controller and guardian of Divine project be it done to us,that we your children would relieve the joy of eternal happiness through your death on the cross of Calvary thousand of years ago.(sign of the  cross). We call on the name of the Father, All: And of the son and of the Holy spirit. (Amen). Step 2:Leader: Oh my Jesus have mercy on us and prepare our heart spiritually clean, so that through the intercession of our blessed mother you may scan us through and deem us worthily fit to enter the kingdom of your "father". All: Amen. Step 3: on every Glory be bead Leader:"Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. All: Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who tre

Chaplet of Life

           The Catholic Divine Project.                     Chaplet of Life.                   Heavenly Divine Project. Prayed twice daily at 9pm and between 12midnight and 1am. Given to the project concerning the upkeep of the church, the world and the human being in general.                             Opening prayer (While Standing, kneeling or processing - posture must be uniform). Step 1: after making the sign of the cross:  Leader: The earth and all that is in it belong to God who then can we go to for eternal life you alone Lord have it keep us safe for it. All: Amen. On every Glory be bead pray: All: Honor be the king of the cherubim (3 times). (For intention of the church pray:  Leader: Yaweh Saboath;  All: deal with every stranger in Your Temple as the consuming Fire that you are ). On every Hail Mary bead pray: Leader : Grant us Mercy Lord, All: On the church, and our sinful selves.  After concluding 5 decades of it just as in the Holy Rosary then pray as below the concludin

Cleansing soul chaplet

        The Catholic Divine Project. (Prayer Partnership for the Church and the World). Cleansing soul chaplet. Prayed two times daily - in the morning immediately after Divine Mercy Chaplet(3am) and in the Afternoon  Immediately after Divine Mercy Chaplet (3pm) also prayed severally during the month of November.  (All kneeling down throughout the prayer but In the month of November,  with the head bowed down to the ground while kneeling as in the Chaplet of Holy Trinity) Step1:- opening prayer (After the sign of the Cross) Leader: O God poor sinners like us before your presence; All: Have mercy on us (3 times) Step2:- On the Glory be bead: Leader: For the Cleansing of the souls who have faithfully died in your name continue to look with pity on us and on them; All: And shower your infinite mercy on us all.  Step3:- On the hail Mary bead:  (With heads bow down) Leader: Oh our God; All: Shower us with your ocean of mercy(10times).  Continue and complete the five decades as in the Holy R

Holy Spirit Chaplet

  HOLY SPIRIT CHAPLET. (Prayed twice daily, in the morning at 5am immediately Holy Trinity Chaplet and in the evening 5pm immediately after Holy Trinity Chaplet. opening prayer: (After the sign of the Cross) STEP 1: (while standing or kneeling - posture must be uniform). Leader: Holy Spirit, defender and mentor of the Catholic Divine Project,  teach us  and enable us in doing the Holy Trinity's  Will.  All: Amen.  STEP 2:  Leader: Come Holy Spirit and fill the heart of the faithful;  All: And enkindle in them the fire of your love (say step 2 seven times). STEP 3: On every glory be bead. Leader: Holy Spirit;  All:  Inflame us with the fire of your love. Leader: Holy Spirit;   All: Purify us with your candle of zealousness.  Leader: Holy Spirit;   All: Teach us the way the Trinity wants us to be. STEP 4: On every Hail Mary bead (10 times) (On the first decade) Leader: Spirit of truth and wisdom; Response - All: Be with us always. (10times- both leader and all). (On the second decade

The Lord's Chaplet

  The Catholic Divine Project. (Prayer Partnership for the Church and the World). The  Lord's Chaplet (also known as Chaplet of  Faith.  This prayer is said twice daily - at 4am on the dot and 4pm on the dot.  Given to the Catholic Divine Project, January, 2013. For private warfare and devotion of members, priests, religious and laity. TO BE PRAYED EVERY SUNDAY, one hour before Sunday masses or earlier and in other personal devotions also every day at 4:00am and 4:00pm.)  How to pray the Chaplet of Faith. (tutorial) Step 1: (while standing) On the crucifix pray as below:  Leader: In the Name of the Father; All: And of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.  Leader: Lord Jesus Christ, through your death on the Cross of Calvary, You opened the Temple curtain that we may freely come to the  Father ; our bodies are the Temple of the Holy Spirit; if we do not destroy God's Temple, nothing can destroy us but zeal for your Temple consumes us like fire; let us dwell in your Temple all t

Family Solution Chaplet

 The family Solution chaplet. (This Prayer is said twice daily - during morning prayers between 5:30am and 6:30am and during evening prayers between 9pm and 10pm). Prayed throughout while standing.  Step1:- opening prayer (After the Sign of the Cross) Leaders: We come to you today, Lord hoping for your love and tender care upon us we seek your Infinite Mercy in all we do. All:  Amen.  Step2:- On the Glory be bead: Leader: Holy Trinity Father, Son and Holy Spirit we have come.; All: Awaiting your constant protection upon us.  Leader: Just as Grave cannot Hold Jesus Captive;  All: The devils and the world cannot stop us. (This can also be replaced with the ongoing CDP mantra of the month). Step3:- On the hail Mary bead:  Leader: On our lowly selves; All:  We seek your help. (Continue as in the Holy Rosary until the five decades is completed) Step4:- concluding prayer. Holy mighty one, your children call upon thee for grace and for benefits use us mightily to do your will and keep us safe